Therapy Solutions

Parkinson’s disease protection may begin in the gut

New research shows that your gut plays the role of disease. Let’s explore the reason why it may be the truth.


Intestinal Cells

Cells located in the intestine spark an immune response that protects nerve cells, or neurons, against damage connected with Parkinson’s disease. Immune intestinal cells identify damaged machinery within neurons and discard the defective parts. They preserves neurons whose impairment or death is known to cause Parkinson’s

The gut is protecting neurons

Normally, these neurons produce dopamine, and when they are damaged or killed, the resulting dopamine shortage causes the motor-control problems associated with the disease.

Parkinson’s has been previously link ed to defects in mitochondria. Impaired mitochondria starve neurons of energy. They produce a neuron-harming molecule. Damaged mitochondria have been linked to other nervous disorders as well, such as ALS and Alzheimer’s disease.


The Study

They exposed roundworms to a poison called rotenone  which causes neuronal death. It is damaging to mitochondria. The damaged mitochondria did not kill all of the worms’ dopamine-producing neurons. Only seven percent of the worms lost dopamine producing neurons

The Truth

The roundworms’ immune defenses, activated when the rotenone was introduced. This discarded many of the defected mitochondria, which halted a sequence that would’ve led to the loss of dopamine-producing neurons. So the truth is the immune response originated in the intestine, not the nervous system.

Intestinal immune cells are “constantly surveilling mitochondria for defects.”

This is based on the theory that mitochondria originated independently as a type of bacterium and were only later incorporated into the cells of animal, plants, and fungi as an energy producer.

If that theory is true, intestinal immune responders may be especially sensitive to changes in mitochondrial function not only for its potential damaging effects, but because of the mitochondria’s ancient and foreign past as well.

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